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media:start [2011/09/23 19:38]
lucky [Framework of Enjoyable Learning Approaches]
media:start [2012/01/10 11:55] (current)
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 ===== Framework of Enjoyable Learning Approaches ===== ===== Framework of Enjoyable Learning Approaches =====
-  * {{:countries:uk.jpg?nolink}}: {{:framework:framework_enjoyable_learning.pdf|Framework of Enjoyable Learning Approaches}}+  * {{:countries:uk.jpg?nolink}}: {{:framework:framework_enjoyable_learning.pdf|FRAMEWORK Of ENOYABLE LEARNING APPROACHES}} 
 +  * {{:countries:cz.jpg?nolink}}: {{:framework:framework_enjoyable_learning_cz.pdf|RÁMEC PŘÍSTUPŮ PODPORUJÍCÍCH UČENÍ SE S RADOSTÍ}} 
 +  * {{:countries:de.jpg?nolink}}: {{:framework:framework_enjoyable_learning_germany.pdf|EIN GERÜST VON VERFAHREN IM FREUDIGEN LERNEN}} 
 +  * {{:countries:ie.jpg?nolink}}: {{:framework:framework_enjoyable_learning_irish.pdf|CREAT AN CUR CHUIGE FOGHLAMA THAITNEAMHACH}} 
 +  * {{:countries:mt.jpg?nolink}}: {{:framework:framework_enjoyable_learning_malta.pdf|QAFAS TA’ APPROĊĊI TA’ TAGĦLIM PJAĊEVOLI}} 
 +  * {{:countries:pl.jpg?nolink}}: {{:framework:framework_enjoyable_learning_pl.pdf|FRAMEWORK NA PRZYJEMNEGO PODJESCIA DO UCZENIA}} 
 +  * {{:countries:pt.jpg?nolink}}: {{:framework:framework_enjoyable_learning_portugal.pdf|UM QUADRO DE ABORDAGENS DE APRENDIZAGEM AGRADÁVEL}} 
 +  * {{:countries:ro.jpg?nolink}}: {{:framework:framework_enjoyable_learning_romania.pdf|UN CADRU DE ABORDĂRI DE ÎNVĂŢARE AGREABIL}} 
 +  * {{:countries:es.jpg?nolink}}: {{:framework:framework_enjoyable_learning_spain.pdf|UN MARCO PARA EL ENFOQUE DE UN APRENDIZAJE DIVERTIDO}} 
 +  * {{:countries:tr.jpg?nolink}}: {{:framework:framework_enjoyable_learning_turkey.pdf|EĞLENCELİ ÖĞRENME 
 ===== Project dissemination and propagation ===== ===== Project dissemination and propagation =====
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   * [[:video_czech|3rd project meeting (Czech Republic)]]   * [[:video_czech|3rd project meeting (Czech Republic)]]
   * [[:video_romania|4th project meeting (Romania)]]   * [[:video_romania|4th project meeting (Romania)]]
 +  * [[:video_ireland|5th project meeting (Ireland)]]
 ===== Photos ===== ===== Photos =====
-  * [[:photos_lousa|1st project meeting (Portugal)]] +  * [[|1st project meeting (Portugal)]] 
-  * [[:photos_malta|2nd project meeting (Malta)]] +  * [[|2nd project meeting (Malta)]] 
-  * [[:photos_czech|3rd project meeting (Czech Republic)]]+  * [[|3rd project meeting (Czech Republic)]]
   * [[|4th project meeting (Romania)]]   * [[|4th project meeting (Romania)]]
 +  * [[|5th project meeting (Ireland)]]
